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How to do daily maintenance of sand washing filter press?

2024-08-28 15:48:40

The sand filter press is one of the key equipment in the sand and gravel production line. It can filter impurities in the sand and gravel to meet national standards and improve product quality. However, after a period of use, the sand filter press may have some faults, reducing its working efficiency. In order to ensure the normal operation of the sand filter press and extend its service life, we need to perform daily maintenance. This article will introduce the daily maintenance methods of the sand filter press in detail.

Regular cleaning of the filter cloth is the key to keeping the sand filter press working properly. After a period of use, the filter cloth will be blocked by solid impurities and particulate matter, affecting the filtering effect. Therefore, the filter cloth needs to be removed and cleaned every once in a while. When cleaning the filter cloth, you can first soak it in clean water for a period of time, and then use a low-pressure water gun to clean it. After cleaning, make sure that the filter cloth is completely dry to avoid deformation or mold of the filter cloth.

Regular lubrication and maintenance are the key to ensuring the normal operation of the sand filter press. There are many lubrication points inside the sand filter press, such as filter plate slides, manual knife plates and guide rods, etc. These parts need to be lubricated regularly to reduce friction loss. The selection of lubricants should be based on the specific requirements of the sand filter press. Generally, high temperature resistant and wear resistant lubricating grease can be selected. Be careful not to lubricate too much or too little. Too much will cause excessive dust adsorption, and too little will not achieve a good lubrication effect.

Regularly checking the electrical system of the sand filter press is the key to maintaining the normal operation of the sand filter press. Checking the electrical system includes checking the power supply, electrical control box, wiring terminals, etc. First, check whether the power supply voltage meets the requirements. If there is any abnormality, it should be repaired in time. Then check whether there is water accumulation, sparks or oxidation inside the electrical control box, and clean or replace the damaged parts in time. Finally, check whether the wiring terminals are loose. If there is any looseness, fix it immediately. The stable operation of the electrical system is the basis for ensuring the normal operation of the sand filter press.

Regular replacement of consumable parts is also the key to the daily maintenance of the sand filter press. The consumable parts of the sand filter press mainly include filter cloth, scraper, etc. After a period of use, these parts will lose their original working effect due to friction and wear. Therefore, regular inspection and replacement of these consumable parts can ensure the normal operation of the sand filter press. When replacing worn parts, choose high-quality accessories and replace them strictly in accordance with the requirements of the operating manual to ensure that the replaced parts can work properly.

Regular and comprehensive cleaning and disinfection is the key to ensuring the safety and hygiene of the sand filter press. The working environment of the sand filter press is complex and susceptible to contamination, so it is necessary to carry out comprehensive cleaning and disinfection regularly to avoid bacterial growth. Cleaning and disinfection can use professional detergents, dilute them according to the specified ratio and spray them on the equipment. For parts that are difficult to clean, you can use a brush to scrub them to ensure that the surface of the equipment is clean and tidy.

Daily maintenance of the sand filter press is the key to ensuring its normal operation. Regularly cleaning the filter cloth, lubricating and maintaining, checking the electrical system, regularly replacing worn parts, and comprehensive cleaning and disinfection are all very important maintenance measures. Only through scientific maintenance can the long-term and stable operation of the sand filter press be guaranteed to avoid production interruptions and economic losses caused by failures. Therefore, when manufacturers and users purchase and use sand filter presses, they must pay attention to daily maintenance work to ensure the good condition of the equipment.

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